Florian Maurer

Born in 1990, he has always been fascinated by mountains and cold environments as territories of adventure.
Graduated from several photography courses, including that of the renowned École Nationale Supérieure de la Photographie d'Arles (ESNP Arles), he has worked for the international photography festival Les Rencontres d'Arles and participated in several group exhibition.
His photography investigates the territory around the notion of “border”, as in the series Transfrontalier or the video Border | Grenze | Frontière, or through the prism of history in his work in Albania (La Guerre n'a pas eu lieu / Latence).
He is also an expert in communication strategies and will soon take up the role of image and communication technician at the Parc national de la Vanoise.
Florian is also passionate about architecture and its photographic documentary research.